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Muse Urgona

The topic of justice is a guiding thread during all my life since the childhood till nowdays.

The justice in all its general meaning and in its feelings in the particular occasions.

At the same time I've been researching the theme of women empowerment, the archetype of "femme fatale", the beauty and feminism.

"Muse Urgona" has been inspired by greek mythology and the myth of Medusa.

Till the epoque of Renaissance the image of Medusa was an image of a monstre with a boar's face, bulging eyes, fangs, hanging tongue and snakes in the hair or at the waist.

Injustice towards this woman by Athena and Poseidon was so remarkable to me so i decided to express my feelings about this story and create my real Medusa:

The woman who is absolutely beautiful, her grace and charm are splendid and seducing . This woman with a very strong personality and brave. She is independent, solitary, confident, fearless but mortal.

In a purpose of this project i created the costume and accessoires.

Transformed her name into Muse Urgona by the meaning of her inspirational impact on me. I whished to create the powerful image of woman as a symbol of strength, faith and beauty.

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