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For this project a huge nest was created with the branches of an old dying tree. We took a tree from our own garden which we decided to include as a symbolic part of our project to create a double meaning. On the one hand a symbol of death and on the other a nest as a symbol of life.


The construction took several weeks because it was necessary to separate and sort each branch by hand, then assembling them carefully. This process was made more difficult because the branches were quite dry and fragile. Chosen according to length, thickness and appearance, is how the nest was created and became a work of art in itself.


Based on a true story about a woman who lost her child. 

The "Nest" project today represents hope for all those who have never had such a loss.


Pregnancy is not always easy to understand for everyone. The fears and anxieties that a future mother can go through, the doubts and the physical sacrifices; besides this there is joy, love, beauty and mental strength.


This story defines strength of character, courage and daring, determination and unconditional love.
To encourage those who have experienced this loss to go further, to stay united and to support each other for the trials to come.
For those who want to better understand the psychology of pregnancy and have it accompany them in times of hardship.

Genesis Project

The questions I ask are as follows: how can we remain mentally strong after devastating events in our lives in order to continue enjoy life to its fullest? How can we find the courage to move forwards into the future when our soul/spirit is in total darkness? How can we once again give ourselves a chance to be happy?


For those who want to better understand the psychology of pregnancy and have it accompany them in times of hardship. 

The questions I ask are as follows: how can we remain mentally strong after devastating events in our lives in order to continue enjoy life to its fullest? How can we find the courage to move forwards into the future when our soul/spirit is in total darkness? How can we once again give ourselves a chance to be happy?

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